How To Swing A Driver (like me) | Bryson DeChambeau
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How To Swing A Driver (like me) | Bryson DeChambeau – YouTube
(00:02) it’s time for another instructional video that shows you how to produce power I know you guys have been wanting this for a little bit so we’re here we’re ready to bring it to you you want to know how I gain distance well listen in this is how you do it those three things are gonna be over 200 like that all right guys so I want you to understand it’s not about how quickly you swing it it’s about how much force you put into the golf club we want to produce more Force into the handle that’s how you’re going to produce power
(00:40) you’re not going to swing quickly you’re going to put Force into the golf club biggest misconception about speed is you taking it back and trying to apply a lot of speed at the top you’re going to throw the club out that way you don’t want that because then you got to pull the club this way the complete opposite way for a right-handed golfer you want to feel like it loads down to a place where then you can pull the club through the impact area that is how you produce speed folks so I’m going to give you a
(01:03) couple tips today on how to produce more Force into the club handle not how to swing quicker how to produce more force in the handle to produce faster Club head speeds faster ball speeds ultimately allowing you to demolish your friends on the golf course okay so most people hit it like 240 yards 250 yards I’m hitting at 350 yards that’s over 110 yards farther right now now when I’m long driving I can at close to 400 yards when I’m close to 218 220 ball speed this is how you can hit 400 yards guys
(01:32) first tip pull out your driver when you’re practicing the most important thing you can do you’re going to want to hit 125 balls this is going to teach you how to swing the uh with more effort going through the impact area it’s going to teach you how to swing faster not quicker but how to swing faster there’s a difference in that and how to produce more force in the handle so I went through speed training session I got the 215 today I’m prepping for worlds I’m going full out going to close to where I
(01:55) feel like I’m going to pass out 120 balls 150 balls that is literally step one after you realize the most important thing is swinging the club with more force not trying to swing quicker and you do this for about two to three times a week if you really want to get faster and what you’re going to have to do is learn how to produce more Force into the handle now there are times we’re going to want to take it back more swiftly and you’re going to want to raise okay now this raising what it allows you
(02:18) to do is unweigh so you’re literally jumping up off the ground and then you’re going to weigh back into the ground on the downstroke you’re not going to you know wrist hinge it right back up here that’s not the goal at all if you do that you’re going to lose a lot of force and a lot of speed it’s just going to slow you down how you load the club is by applying resistance in the opposite direction so watch what I’m doing I’m going up and as the club is going back right about here I’m already starting to
(02:42) go the other way so it may look like I’m doing this and taking it really far back I’m not doing that I’m actually taking it back with some pretty Swift speed and then already applying Force the opposite direction to weigh myself into the ground to have this club load set and then be wrapped around my body and then right about at this point I start to produce Force up and off of the ground this is how you’re going to produce more Force into the club one you’re going to unweigh two weighing
(03:09) yourself and turning into your left arm three once you get down to release Point okay you’re going to want to then feel like you’re pushing away from the ground and that’s going to get the club from this position to be thrown boom out so those are three key important Force production principles in the golf swing you need to produce the most force in the club handle and get that club head to move as fast as possible and you’re going to push your limits you’re going to go 120 balls 150 balls use those
(03:36) three three principles so you use the basic premise of 120 to 150 balls three times a week and then all you have to do is do those three principles where you take it back swiftly you unweigh you get up and you load down into the ground as you’re starting to turn your left arm or turn your chest into the left arm that’s going to load everything at the top that’s two and then the last one is feeling like you’re almost pushing back and away from it that’s three use those three pinch principles right there to
(04:03) produce more Force into the handle to get that club to move faster it’s not about how quickly you can swing it it’s about how much energy you can put in the club at the right moment in time so I’m going to do a couple swings for you and I want you all to understand this is all just practice these are drills you can work on this anywhere you want make sure the ceilings are high enough get a 48 inch driver okay you can go to a golf club and ask for a long driver and and to be honest secret of the plda pros
(04:25) this is actually a regular Flex it’s 240 cpms it’s super soft I could snap it if I wanted to that’s so I can get as much whip as possible right through the impact area so drill one foreign I’m not quick but I’m Swift applying forced to the club and then slowing it down okay and that’s slowing down as a result of me starting to already turn into my left side number one the drills just do this and feel like you just swiftly taking it back harder because your body’s going up like that number
(04:59) two I want you to just feel like somebody comes up here holds the club at the top and you just turn so once you’re doing this left side all I want you to do just take a hold of the club and yeah and I’m gonna be up here and I’m just gonna go I just want you to turn your body into it just rotate left feel like you’re pressing down with that left foot and then what I want you to do for the last drill the third drill this is probably the most important drill because it’s how you deliver all the energy to the
(05:29) club you’re gonna get to here and you’re gonna just kind of feel like it’s a little loaded it’s just going to load and you’re gonna fling it through and jump off the ground look at my left foot boom I push now how am I pushing I’m pushing off the ground this way that’s to get every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction and this left foot I’m actually not pushing down into the ground I am pushing a little bit down but I’m actually pushing at an angle so I’m pushing away boom loaded
(06:02) up and through it so watch what I do too I’m super low to the ground just chipping at 350. you just do those three things you’re gonna be over 200 like that all right one more let’s go and be aggressive Don’t Be Afraid don’t be afraid to pull duck hook it or snap you know thin it top It Whatever Sky it just be aggressive and swing as fast as you can while implementing these three tips to give you 400 yard drives baby just watch out for any ropes because they can take you down so another cool thing I’m going to give
(06:38) you guys this is my long drive Club so we have an LA golf shaft thank you la golf it’s been unbelievable it’s a 240 CPM shaft which means it’s a regular Flex pretty much maybe almost a ladies Flex super soft shaft we then have a well it says five and a half degrees right here it’s actually 4.
(06:56) 6 on the sticker that I took off 4.6 degrees of Loft three grams three grams lighting you know it’s pretty light and this is the Cobra LTD X LS and then I’ve got a jumbo Max grip going back to the grip uh it’s an XL it’s got my logo on it but yeah I mean this is it it’s got a the face is getting pretty flat already I run through these things so much but that’s what happens we want high-end performance it’s just like uh NASCAR tires you’re not going to get commercial grade tires you want the best performing
(07:22) tires for that race car and that’s what we have so we expect faces to flat and we expect faces to to break because we want to push them to the Limit and also cool thing too is uh you know got some using foresight and then we’ve got t-claw the tornado T I mean I’ve used this for probably almost a thousand balls now I mean I don’t have to use season they don’t break just use this one and it works every single time as you can see it just come comes off like that boom right over the top so this is
(07:48) last year’s driver head long driver head this thing was baller uh we had to smooth the face out and everything so it was the rad speed and they made a couple of different aerodynamic versions of it and you may see some interesting things here with the new prototype driver here in the future uh that was three and a half degrees there 200 yeah so many driver hands I got like 12 driver heads and I’m getting probably another 20 next week just trying to get the right heads and if they crack I’m just gonna keep
(08:11) running through them that’s okay Kyle ran through I think 50 heads last year lastly guys I wanted to let you know this is a very dangerous thing obviously I hurt my hand be really careful listen to your body yeah you want to hit 120 balls as hard as you can 150. you still got to be careful with your body this is definitely unique it’s not something that everybody should should continue to do if they’re feeling uncomfortable make sure your body’s ready for it GO train in the gym but these tips are factual
(08:38) there’s nothing wrong with these tips it’s just about how you implement them in your own game not every single tip is going to work for you but use what you can from this video as much as possible to gain the most speed and hit 400 yard drives hope you guys enjoyed this video like it subscribe comment down below what other things you’d like to see me give little tips and tricks of the trade that you guys would like to know and I hope you guys enjoyed this video we’ll see you next time [Music]