Gain 30+ Yards | Long Drive Champ Shows How ANY Golfer Can Add Speed & Distance

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Gain 30+ Yards | Long Drive Champ Shows How ANY Golfer Can Add Speed & Distance – YouTube

(00:00) what’s up guys JT Thomas with performance golf I’m here with the speed demon himself number one world long driver in the world Martin brockmeyer Walmart [Applause] [Music] what’s up bro how you doing how are you doing doing pretty good so he’s gonna show us guys how to get Speedy how to get fast how to hit your driver farther he’s going to give us some tips a couple of drills to help you hit your driver farther and swing as fast as you can so let’s see what you got Martin tell me tell me what I need to do here yeah I

(00:38) mean bottom line is most people out there most amateurs were taught back in the days just like myself when I was 14 years old right I was basically taught to root my feet and just rotate around my upper body in my own axis to hit the ball as straight as possible and with that mindset with that approach you well can play some half D’s in golf but you’re not going to hit it very far so there’s definitely a limit to this right so depending on how fast you can swing it with all the limitations you put on

(01:08) your body so bottom line is basically we want to make you move a little bit more I mean in long drive we move so much right we load up and load down and explode off the ground feet are moving and everything I do not necessarily want you to do that because that’s on a very extreme level but just a little portion of it the principles of it can make absolute sense for golf as well and we see that more and more on tour as well like look at John Rahm look at DJ look at I mean people like Matt wolf obviously that move a lot right and also

(01:42) people coming out of college you you don’t see the traditional golf swing as much as you did back in the old days definitely gas in it super far there’s a lot more athleticism involved and a lot of that is long drive principles Let’s Get Right In to it and see see what kind of easy steps we can do for you and also for the guys out there to swing it faster and eventually differ exactly the bottom idea is we want to see how fast the club’s head is moving because that’s our Baseline potential to it

(02:14) further eventually we also need to hit the middle of the face yes to maximize the ball speed and dial in the launch conditions but for now one thing and the first bit that’s starting the golf swing is the takeaway so what we want to do is we want to make that as dynamic as possible and for yourself and we want that body to actually guide the first motion great we do not want those hands we we do not want you to just stay rooted stay like this and take away the club with your hands that’s not very powerful yeah we’re
(02:50) looking to have some type of trigger right we’re looking to have a trigger to start the swing so a trigger in the takeaway is going to be a key and that trigger looks a little bit differently depending on where you look right but one thing is always the same and that is people move to the elite side to eventually shift to the trail side and make that body motion initiate momentum that’s taken away the clip great and then I love to call the takeaway being Swift I I feel like that’s a great work Swift it’s

(03:20) not rushed right but it’s Swift and with authority right do not hesitate to take that club away with authority that’s fine because that’s loading a lot of energy into the shaft early and you can benefit from that later on absolutely so the idea now is to somehow create this trigger of the body to shift right and one principle that I love as a drill is you just take a practice swing move that handle forward and now just swing the golf club and naturally what we see most of the time with most amateurs out there as well is by doing

(03:56) this a little bit of body motion is involved up to the point that the club actually reaches the point of actual takeaway so doing that gives you a nice sensation of what’s actually needed to get energy in the system early then what I like is well this is just an alternative to that a little option is just go narrow stance basically stand like normal how you would like to address the ball then go super narrow stands and make sure that you make that step before you take away the clip absolutely very very important

(04:33) step first then Club don’t do both at the same time it’s not very powerful so we want to initiate that and then feel that shaft loading up yes so I think an easy concept guys for you to understand how to move this way is Imagine throwing a ball and stepping and throwing at the same time right that never happens there’s always some movement of dynamics of one body part going one way and the other part going the other way so it’s really important when we start this trigger that we have that same sort of

(04:59) scenario so you have a pretty you know significant trigger it’s very similar to actually Rory it’s a smaller version of what Rory does so I think if you can just walk us through a little bit of that rocking that you do I think would be great so just to describe it to us yeah pretty extreme yeah yeah but it’s awesome it’s also it’s very dynamic in terms of it’s changing yeah so like my trigger two years back was different to the one today because um interestingly I’ve always tried to

(05:27) feel because I’m doing this little rocking motion right I was just trying to feel that right pressure point underneath my left foot that I want to push off of in the downswing yeah yeah which is interesting so I was trying to Prime that by doing this and it kind of turned into a trigger yeah that’s awesome yeah it looks good back in the days it was just like knee change and then I was going but now it’s just a little more chill like by doing this and then eventually shifting right so the idea about this and I mean all you guys

(05:57) probably saw Kyle Berkshire do this in 2019 right he was doing the crazy rocking motion then you see Matt wolf who I’m always being compared to right yeah well okay who’s doing like this one and then he’s shifting to the right it’s it’s all it always looks a little different but the bottom line is go to the the lead side to shift to the trail side because without being here you cannot be there because that if if you would just go to your Trail side it would just be like the falling motion

(06:26) yes not very powerful right we want to increase that Dynamic by being left to shift right and then start the backswing and I would recommend you guys out there to just start with a few practice swings and almost try to feel like you’re going left then right and try to feel like you’re bending that shaft right that shaft I mean depending on the flex might look a little bit like this in the backswing because it’s loading up so hard so I would just recommend you to try that and feel that sensation of the

(06:58) shaft loading and then just hit a couple golf balls with it do the step for example or do the little trigger and try to shift right before you hit a ball and then it hopefully looks a little bit like this foreign and I’m not lying to you that thing was right down there it was so straight guys I’m a little nervous standing right here when the ball went by me that was a little bit sketchy I almost moved but that was roasted what do we get for some of those numbers yeah so that was um 146 Club speed geez and that’s just

(07:29) and that’s so interesting about it right to me that was look I’m not even wearing a glove yeah I don’t mean a brag it’s just like I’ve been doing this so much this is just a soft little chip for me yes but because sequence yeah it’s so important because I’ve been doing this for the last five years back in the days when I started I had to hit it as hard as I could to reach 146 but now I’ve been working on all these elements and that in combination with speed training that’s creating a speed Reserve so my

(07:58) maximum ball speed is going up by practicing all these moves and speed training so that also raises my average what would you say would be kind of another principle we could do to help us add some more speed to our swing an interesting thing for golfers is they they sink down in a golf swing so they’re actually getting smaller like shorter so what they do is a little bit like this yes so what we want to do in long drive and this is like super exaggerated but we want to load up we want to get tall in the backswing to eventually drop down

(08:35) and come back up again and I mean it would already be beneficial to a lot of golfers if they would stay level or just load up a little bit yep and a cool feel to demonstrate this is just an upload step so I just stepped a little bit down here narrow stands and now what we do is we combine that drill that we just did a couple minutes ago with a step up so we actually feel the sensation of creating height in the backswing raising our Center of mass so the center of mass is I would say the average position of our

(09:09) body right which is your belly button yeah around the belly button exactly so we want to raise our belly button up in the backswing and this is an extreme way of doing it but I’m a big fan of like doing things very exaggerated when we do drills absolutely and hope for a little bit to transition over in the golf swing that’s what you always want exactly so just go narrow stands see this this is like maybe two inches or whatever that we Step Up forward with a handle step up and then swing and feel that sensation in the

(09:41) swing how everything is going up and what you see automatically with a lot of people is their left heel comes off the ground and I like that especially with seniors I like that a lot because what it does is yes it’s creating that upload motion but also it’s opening up a lot of range of motion in the hips and eventually then also in the t-spine because everything is connected right so it opens up some range of motions especially for people that are stuck here in the backswing yeah for sure guys so if you if you’re struggling with

(10:12) trying to get some more speed in your swing I would say lifting up your heel is a really big deal super easy for you to do just go in the back swing basically pointing your lead knee towards your other knee so turning your entire thigh bone that helps really turn your hips in the backswing and then here you could do this drill with you could take like a book or something if you had it stepping on something so that you could feel that pressure so I’ll have Martin demonstrate this one more time and when he does this guys I want you

(10:36) you notice when he’s pushing up when he lands on this right foot he’s using that right foot to push up that’s how he’s getting his body up off the ground so this is a really big key for you guys wanting to add some speed obviously you see that speed there my hat almost flew off by that one but um so having a little bit of trigger and then having some pressure off to that right side really pushing down raising your body up is going to be some huge keys for us for some speed so Martin let’s uh have you

(11:02) hit one more and then maybe I’ll see if I can uh try a couple of these principles too you talk me through it right so 146 on the last see what we can do here I need a glove wow yeah that was still unreal too fast yeah so that’s already one 152 150 well yeah yeah when you’re swinging this fast guys it is really important actually your grip strength so people think that you need to hold the club lightly but in order to really swing it pretty fast you better be holding the club hard otherwise it’s

(11:33) going to come out so yeah um so let’s see what we can do in terms of Club speed here I think I can go even a little faster foreign that’s my second swing right yeah that’s not being warmed up I mean it’s fairly warm yeah yeah so but just using these principles works but my recommendation for you is do the drill film yourself face on and then film yourself with an actual shot face on and compared to before so you see what’s happening because feeling real so far apart most of the time over here and over there yes

(12:12) for sure I think that’s huge guys you gotta if you’re gonna work on this you’re gonna speed train definitely filming yourself is a huge deal so what I’m gonna try and do now Mars I’m gonna try and get in this so we’re talking you want to see some trigger from me yeah you want to see some my left foot get up here you want to see me get taller oh you want to combine it already yeah so let’s yeah first one here guys I’m just going to try and push here get back onto my Trailside try to rip one love it I’ll

(12:37) see what we get oh so I think it was definitely faster look and guess what that thing went straight pretty straight to it it’s interesting because I see that a lot with people that just free up their golf swing a lot of times the ball goes straighter because when you’re cramping off and you’re standing there and you’re trying to control it that’s not a position you want to be in when you want to actually want to control the shot look at all the other sports you were talking about throwing right exactly did you ever see

(13:14) a tennis player basketball player baseball player cramp up and try to guide something you can’t no they’re always in motion right golf is pretty much the only sport I mean maybe besides chess right that is supposed to be so stationary yeah for sure right so I love that that was great so what did we see we got one we got 120 which is actually a really good club speed number not bad to start out first yeah so now you want to add the little element of lifting up your left heel and uploading feel like you’re uploading

(13:43) more yeah exactly yeah I like that a little bit uh I feel like your chest is going up yeah I like that belly button going up all right and then crank it oh that was really high for sure and look contact was not the best yeah because you what you do now is you change your vertical by like I don’t know four inches you need a few swings to dial it back in but you see the speed number immediately and that’s a 127 127.

(14:14) that is seven miles an hour faster in one swing right just by adding that principle and now well how much of that do you want to transition over to the course maybe not all of it maybe you want to it’s really a trial and error at that point but utilizing the principles in the right way is the Baseline and I think you did great absolutely Thanks Martin um so guys look um I think two big things that we can do to increase our speed again from Martin one of the longest drivers in the world is understanding how to move have some
(14:42) motion in your swing we don’t want you there standing still have a trigger where you bounce from your lead foot onto your Trail foot and then the last piece or the last drill that we want for you guys to understand is get taller in your backswing we don’t watch it getting close to the ground that’s going to make you go so much slower so guys if you enjoyed this video please comment like subscribe down below we look forward to hearing from you guys disclaimer this does not apply to wedges perfect
(15:11) [Music]

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