(00:04) [Music] thank you guys welcome down to the complete fix your slice guide myself Rick Shields PJ golf professional is going to take you through four videos that’s going to help you fix your slice forever let’s get rid of that horrible golf shot because it puts us in so much trouble it is unreal and it’s such a popular shot to hit and there’s reasons behind that let’s talk about the idea of slice first and why this happens I’m going to go through a series of videos that are going to help
(00:42) you this is the overview video then we’re going to talk about fix your face first then we’re going to talk about fix your path and then strike location I’m going to put the links up here in the corner but please promise me you will not fast track through this series just going straight to part four is not going to fix your slice you’ve got to go through each part separately because each part is incredibly relevant to how you’re going to fix your slice so what what is a slice I mean a slice
(01:15) shot is a curvature shot and we’re going to talk for riding the goal for the curvature shot that moves off to the right hand side if you are a left-handed watching feel free to just switch the information around and I’m talking about it a shoulder occurs off to the right it is generally a weak golf shot it generally causes the fact that we don’t actually hit the ball very far it puts in so much trouble because we can’t allow for it the more we allow for it the more actually slice that ends up happening
(01:40) let’s talk about the bones of it first and what actually happens with a slice the simplest way of explaining this is a club face at contact aiming further right than the swing path Direction so you’ve got a swing that’s going across the golf ball in effectively a diagonal manner and your Club face is more aiming to the right of that line and I don’t necessarily mean in aiming for the right to Target down the Fairway here just aiming right of the Swing path line now two characteristics together
(02:21) a swing that goes left and a face that aims right can every now and again produce a fantastically straight golf shot or certainly a golf shot that hits the Fairway don’t be mistaken to think if you slice it five times out of ten it’s just a weird movement that you do it’s not it’s going to be the same movement it’s just that five out of the ten shots you’ve managed to blend those two characteristics in your swing and they’ve worked together to help you hit the ball straight but they’re not going to last forever
(02:57) you’re always going to slice it we need to completely change those characteristics around instead of the face aiming to the right it’ll swinging to the left we need to get the club face left of our swing Direction first then we need to change the path and that’s going to be this series of videos once we get the face going left then we can change your path and it’s all down to just strike solely that is all it’s down to at first what I want you to think about with a slice shot and this this is the first
(03:29) stepping stone to be able to help improve this is I want you to be fully aware that aiming further to the left to allow for a slice is actually only going to fuel the fire it’s only going to make you swing further to the left a slice is very easy to fix if we understand the few characteristics that that we have to get the face going left of the path first and then we can change the path overview complete jump over to the next video which is up here in the corner and we’re going to talk about all about the
(04:03) club face we need to go Club face left first we need to fix the face first stay tuned we are going to completely cancel out that slice hit the link in the corner to jump over the next video thanks for watching guys if you’re new to my channel hit that subscribe button it’s like say just a bit more of an overview the instruction starts in fix your face video first thanks for watching and we’ll see you soon